The 22 January 2023 marks the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit. To celebrate the occasion, we introduce you to the “Legend of Three Rabbits (Hares)”!
In Chinese history, Rabbits (or hares) have long been associated with signs for good luck, representing longevity and prosperity.
The most famous rabbit in China is the legendary “Jade Rabbit”, which lives on the moon with goddess Chang’e, who consumed the “pill of immortality”.
The legend of “Three-Rabbits” might seem remote, but you are able to see them in many places around the globe, appearing in sacred sites from East Asia, the Middle East and many historical synagogues in Europe. It is a motif featuring three hares or rabbits running in a circle and joined by their ears. The famous “Tinner’s Rabbits” in many churches of Devon, are the closest we can get to visit here in the UK.

The oldest Three Rabbits motif was found on the ceilings of Buddhist cave temples in Dunhuang, China in 6th Century. The ancient trade route – silk road had played a major role in the diffusion of the motif, although it’s symbolism could have changed as it crossed the various cultural barriers.
Nevertheless, the focus on the significance of number 3 has never changed, nor the amuletic nature of the motif.
In the coming of Year of the Rabbit, we bring you 3 amuletic symbols from China, which are Fu (福 – representing luckiness), Shou (寿 – representing longevity) and Lu (禄 – representing prosperity or wealth), named after the trio of “Star Gods”: Fú, Shòu, Lù.
These symbols are engraved on the cap band on each of the pens in the Year of the Rabbit Collection with each model available in a limited edition of 23 pens.

The Lucky Pen (福)
The Lucky Pen, the signature pen in the Year of the Rabbit Collection, comes in highly polished jade pearlescent acrylic and complemented by a combination of gold-plated and sterling silver fittings.
The cap button is crafted from burnished sterling silver with a raised gold-plated 3 rabbit motif.

The Longevity Pen (壽)
The Longevity Pen comes in highly polished dark blue acrylic and complemented by sterling silver fittings.
The cap button is crafted from burnished sterling silver with a raised 3 rabbit motif.

The Prosperity Pen (禄)
The Prosperity Pen comes in highly polished black acrylic and complemented by gold-plated sterling silver fittings.
The cap button is crafted from gold-plated sterling silver with a raised 3 rabbit motif.